ABOUT BERMUDA TRIANGLE The Bermuda Triangle, located in the North Atlantic Ocean, has become a symbol of mystery and intrigue in pop culture. It's often spoken of in hushed whispers by backwater conspiracy theorists who are convinced that it's a devilish portal to hell. Over 900 deaths have been attributed to it, as well as the disappearances of over 70 ships and aircraft in the last 70 years. But according to modern science, the Triangle is no more deadly than any other location at sea. The Bermuda Triangle is a 1,300,000 to 3,900,000 square kilometre stretch of ocean that lies between Florida and Puerto Rico. The Triangle is surrounded by myths, thanks to its reinterpretation in pop culture as a deadly and haunted location. The Bermuda Triangle is a 1,300,000 to 3,900,000 square kilometre stretch of ocean that lies between Florida and Puerto Rico. The Triangle is surrounded by myths, thanks to its reinterpretation in pop culture as a deadly and haunte...
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