
Showing posts from May 24, 2017

Information for medical persengers on ethiopian Air!

Fit to fly! Ethiopian Air If you are a passenger travelling with Ethiopian Air from Nigeria for medicals, these are the rules for you to get on board. 1. Medical passenger must visit the approved medical hospital 72 0r 48hrs before travel date to get fit to fly certificate before purchasing tickets. Designated hospitals are: a) Abuja clinics b) Dr Hassan Clinic c) Primus Hospital 2. Return certificate to Ethiopian Air office for final clearance before ticket is purchased. 3)Medical passengers must see their physician a week before obtaining the fit to fly certificate. 4. Certificate can only be presented from Monday to Friday 9am - 4pm. 5. Certificate will not be accepted on Saturday and Sunday. 6. Passengers travelling for cardiac related cases must undergo ECG at most 48hrs before travel date. 7. Passengers with Forged medical certificate will not be flown. 8. Note: Ethiopian Airlines reserves the right not to airlift passengers wi...

You just cant miss this festival of African arts and culture!

Its all about the celebration of African Art and Culture. There will be display of African fashion, arts and crafts, tourism and travel, technology/telecommunication, catering and publishing. You should be a part of this! For enquiries: Ola Mustapha Kiskirine Events Ltd Membership Secretary for Engineering Forum Nigeria(UK) Cordinator for NDTIA Africanshowcase Market Events & Marketing Consultant 07956675412/07405 146401