Anambra is a state in southeastern Nigeria. Its name is an anglicized version of the original 'Oma Mbala', the native name of the Anambra River. The capital and seat of government is Awka. Onitsha and Nnewi are the biggest commercial and industrial cities respectively. The state's theme is

                                             "Light Of The Nation"

Culture and tourism

Agulu Lake alt text
Agulu Lake
Agulu Crocodile Lake is located along Awka road in Agulu, Aniocha Local Government Area of the state. A potential tourist site, it is home to an estimated three hundred crocodiles and water turtles. Fishing is not allowed on the lake and the crocodiles, being sacred animals to the people, cannot be killed. Legend says that these crocodiles were instrumental in delivering the town from enemy soldiers during the Nigerian civil war. It is believed that these sacred crocodiles and turtles transformed themselves into beautiful ladies and lured the soldiers unawares into the lake where they disappeared without trace. At noon the crocodiles and the turtles appear at the banks of the lake to take in sunlight.
Ogbunike Caves, listed by UNESCO[10] as a world Heritage Site is one of the most visited tourist sites in Anambra State. It is classified as a Sandstone cave (Lateritic sandstones of Campanian-Miocene age).[11] It has very scenic vegetation with attractive waterfall. It is situated in the Ogba hills Ogbunike, across the Ugwu-Aga Escarpment Umunya by the Enugu/Onitsha Expressway and lies in the coordinates of N06 11 11 and E06 54 21.

Ornamental staff head in form of a coiled snake, 9th century bronze, Igbo-Ukwu, Anambra State
Igbo Ukwu Museum:[12] is an ancient town known for astonishing metalcrafts and has remained an attraction to tourists because of its bronze artifacts. The bronzes which were first noticed in 1938 and later excavated by Thurstan Shaw (an English archaeologist) date back to about the 9th century, are of high value and historic relevance.
Uzu-Oka: Awka is historically known for the great metal foundry, Uzu Craftmanship. Imo-Awka is an annual festival celebrated by the natives.
Niger Bridge - Gateway into Anambra alt text
Niger Bridge - Gateway into Anambra
Other Anambra tourism potentials and cultural festivals include:
  • Ijele Masquerade- listed in UNESCO Archives as Intangible cultural element[13] Ijele dance festival is home to the 'Olus' of the Omambala area: Anaku, Omor, Nsugbe, Aguleri, Umuleri, Awkuzu, Nteje, Ogbunike, Nkwelle-Ezunaka, Umunya, etc.
  • Achukwu Masquerade of Ekwulobia.
  • Nwafor Festival at Ogidi and Ogbunike.
  • Ekwulobia New Yam Festival.
  • Omaba Yearly New-Yam Festival.
  • Aguluzigbo New-Yam Festival
  • Nnobi Afia oru festival
  • Ozubulu New-yam festival
  • Ozoebunu masquerade of Ozubulu
  • Okija New-Yam Festival
  • Mmanwu Okija Masquerade Dance
  • Ihiala New -Yam Festival
  • Nanka New -Yam Festival.
  • Manwu Ihiala Masquerade Dance
  • Ajana-Ukwu and Igu aro festivals at Aguleri.
  • Akwuneche enyi masquerade of Omambala area: Anaku, Igbakwu, Aguleri, Umuleri, Awkuzu, Umunya, etc.
  • Izaga masquerade of Omambala area: Anaku, Igbakwu, Aguleri, Umuleri, Awkuzu, Umunya, etc.
  • Abele masquerade of Omambala area: Anaku, Igbakwu, Aguleri, Umuleri, Awkuzu, Umunya, etc.
  • Agbanagbo Ezu-na-Omambala (Confluence of Ezu and Omabala rivers) at Aguleri
  • Obu Gad at Enugwu Aguleri.
  • Ini ERI (Eri Grave) at Aguleri
  • Ini Iguedo (Iguedo Grave) at Nando.
  • Odinani Museum at Nri.
  • Afia olu Festival in Nnewi.
  • Ufala mmuo festival at Oba
  • Amanwulu and ozo Festivals at Aguleri.
  • Olili Obibia Eri (Eri Festival) in Enugwu Aguleri attracts thousands of visitors home and abroad annually.
  • The River Niger at Onitsha and Asaba with the famous Niger bridge is the eastern gateway linking the South East with Niger Delta and Western Nigeria.
  • Uzoiyi Festival Umuoji attracts thousands of visitors annually.
  • Agwuve Trinity Tree at Enugwu Aguleri
  • Ofala (Ovala) Festival is the commemorative of Kingship celebrated by various towns. It was popularised by Onitsha town.
  • Igu-Aro is the major kingship festival among the Umueri, Anaku and Aguleri.
  • Nkpokiti Dance, Umunze is known for fantastic acrobatic performances.
  • Rogeny Tourist Village at Oba (a stadium that is equipped with recreational activities including a swimming pool, zoo, shrine, soccer stadium, etc./
  • Obo Ofor Festival in Uga, Aguata
  • Nkwor Festival in Uga Aguata


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