
Showing posts from 2024

Recipe for Nigerian black soup

 Nigerian black soup, also known as draw soup or bitter leaf soup, is a popular Nigerian dish made with bitter leaves and a variety of ingredients. Here's a simple recipe to prepare Nigerian black soup: Ingredients: - 1 bunch of bitter leaves ( washed and drained) - 2 tablespoons of palm oil - 1 onion, chopped - 2 cloves of garlic, minced - 1 teaspoon of grated ginger - 1 Scotch bonnet pepper, chopped (optional) - 1 pound of meat or fish (beef, chicken, or fish work well) - 1 cup of water - 1 tablespoon of potash (optional) - Salt and pepper to taste - 2 tablespoons of ogiri (fermented soybean paste) Instructions: 1. Clean and prepare the bitter leaves by removing the stems and washing them thoroughly. 2. Heat the palm oil in a large pot over medium heat. 3. Add the chopped onion, garlic, ginger, and Scotch bonnet pepper (if using) and sauté until the onion is translucent. 4. Add the meat or fish and cook until it's browned. 5. Add the bitter leaves, water, potash (if using), s

The Hospitality industry after the pandemic

  The hospitality industry has undergone significant changes and challenges since the COVID-19 pandemic. Some key trends and developments include: 1. Increased focus on hygiene and cleanliness: Hotels, restaurants, and other hospitality businesses have had to prioritize sanitation and safety measures to reassure guests and comply with regulations. 2. Shift to contactless and digital experiences: Many hospitality businesses have adopted digital solutions like mobile check-in, virtual concierge services, and contactless payment options to minimize human interaction. 3. Emphasis on outdoor spaces and natural ventilation: With a renewed appreciation for fresh air and outdoor spaces, hotels and restaurants have invested in upgrading their outdoor areas, terraces, and gardens. 4. Flexibility and adaptability: The pandemic has taught the hospitality industry to be agile and responsive to changing circumstances, such as sudden changes in travel restrictions or guest preferences. 5. Focus on lo

About Kaduna state

  Kaduna! Kaduna is a city and state in northwest Nigeria, known for its rich cultural heritage and historical significance. Here are some interesting facts about Kaduna: 1. Meaning: Kaduna is derived from the Hausa word "Kadduna", meaning "crocodile". 2. Former capital: Kaduna was the capital of Nigeria's Northern Region from 1916 to 1967. 3. Ethnic diversity: The city is home to various ethnic groups, including the Hausa, Fulani, and Gbagyi. 4. Religious significance: Kaduna is an important center for Islam and Christianity, with many mosques and churches. 5. Economic hub: The city is a major industrial and commercial center, with textile, food processing, and manufacturing industries. 6. Tourist attractions: Visit the Kaduna National Museum, Kajuru Castle, and the scenic Kauyen Kura Falls. 7. Education: Kaduna is home to several universities, including Ahmadu Bello University and Kaduna State University. 8. Cuisine: Enjoy local dishes like tuwo masara (cornme

A trip to Zanzibar

  Zanzibar! Beautiful destination! Zanzibar is an archipelago located off the coast of Tanzania in East Africa, known for its stunning beaches, crystal-clear waters, and rich history. Here are some top attractions and activities to consider for your trip: 1. Nungwi Beach: A popular spot for swimming, snorkeling, and sunbathing. 2. Stone Town: Explore the narrow streets, bustling markets, and historic landmarks like the House of Wonders and the Old Fort. 3. Prison Island: Take a boat tour to this former prison turned tourist attraction, home to giant tortoises and stunning beaches. 4. Snorkeling and diving: Discover the incredible marine life and coral reefs of the Zanzibar Archipelago. 5. Spice tour: Learn about the island's famous spice plantations and their significance in the region's history. 6. Dhow cruise: Relax on a traditional wooden boat and enjoy the sunset. 7. Local cuisine: Savor the flavors of Zanzibari dishes like urojo (a spicy soup), nyama choma (grilled meat),